Hero Motorcycle Purchases the First Model 2000 Dynamometer

Sep 28, 2015

Hero Motorcycle purchases the first Model 2000 Dynamometer.

Days after officially introducing the new Model 2000 Friction Standard Dynamometer, we have received the first order. Hero Motorcycle, the largest motorcycle company in the world, has become the first company to purchase LINK’s newest dyno.

The Model 2000 is a full inertia dynamometer designed specifically to conduct the most commonly run global test procedures for brake development. With a compact layout, the Model 2000 efficiently and economically allows engineers to evaluate brake friction development, design and quality control.

This new dyno contains the latest technology, software and controls, while utilizing proven components to provide low maintenance. It is an excellent value, at an affordable price point, and comes with the added benefit of having a short lead-time and fast delivery. This design also saves time and cost during installation.

We are thrilled with the latest addition to the LINK dynamometer lineup and are confident that this is the first of many orders for the Model 2000. For more information, please contact us at +1-734-453-0800 or email us at sales@linkeng.com.

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