We are pleased to share that we recently finished a two day training session on our ProLINK testing software in India. The training session was well attended with more than 40 attendees from different organizations.
Lead by Chris Urban, a LINK software engineer, the training session taught a variety of current and potential customers how to use ProLINK for their specific testing needs.
The value of ProLINK software:
The ProLINK software system was designed to perform control, data acquisition and data analysis for a wide range of test stands. As a major selling point of LINK test systems, ProLINK has the flexibility to quickly adapt to the changing needs of each end user. A well laid out visual scripting interface gives users the capability to design and execute complicated test programs. Our proprietary software is widely known for its multi-faceted uses and the ease of its operation, making it the preferred software for testing companies around the world.
Future training sessions:
We strive to routinely host training sessions throughout the year in a variety of locations. These sessions are a critical part of fulfilling our promise to provide the best customer service in the industry. For more information on the ProLINK training sessions, or to find out when the next scheduled session is, please contact us at +1-734-453-0800 or email us at sales@linkeng.com.